All Hands Beach

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TRAVEL DATE TO ALL HANDS BEACH, SUBIC (July 2016) I remember this day as my family and I prepare because this was such a bittersweet vacation. My relatives from the Capiz were joining us and this was also the time that my youngest brother will be going to Philippine Air Force because out of thousands […]

Praying in Padre Pio

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TRAVEL DATE TO PADRE PIO, STO. TOMAS BATANGAS (February 2018) I have always considered Padre Pio as one of my favorite saints. Learning about his incredible story, I was also continuously being told by family and friends that I can reach out to him to fulfill my greatest wish. I was able to visit also […]

Different Places Beyond Words

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Websynne Travel Chronicles **Check out our YouTube channel:   Sharing with you our journeys as great as the destinations. More than words, I’ll be showing more pictures of different places that I and my husband were lucky to visit, more photos with captions rather than reading long articles. Will try to share also our budget costs and […]