32 Steps I Took to Land my First Job in Sweden

Although I’m truly grateful to have been given the opportunity to relocate for now in Sweden, I never imagined that finding a job would be truly challenging. I thought having had enough work experience, it would be easier for me to apply but I couldn’t be more wrong on this assumption. For my fellow expats […]

How We Applied and Got Our Personnummer or Swedish Personal Number

The be-all and end-all of your life here in Sweden. Having your own Swedish personal identity number or what they call here as personnummer is of the utmost importance when you decide to relocate here in Sweden especially if you’ll be living here for one year and more. Once you have this, this will be […]

How We Applied for Resident Permit Card in Sweden

Four days after arriving in Sweden, we immediately scheduled for our appointment to process this card. We scheduled this online last September 23rd and then the appointment we chose was for September 25th. We were advised by our Immigration Consultant that this should be carried at all times especially when in contact with government institutions […]

Timeline of our Migration to Sweden

Like I promised on my previous blog about our relocation journey here in Sweden, here’s a detailed timeline of our migration to Malmo, Sweden. I’m also updating this as we go along and process all the other important things now that we’ve arrived here like applying for the resident permit card, getting the personnummer, applying […]

Relocating to Sweden Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

Will we be allowed entry to Sweden without having a resident permit card or UT (Uppehållstillstånd) card to present when it clearly says that we need to have this card upon arriving in Sweden? What if we got infected with Covid during our flight or travel? What if immigration decides not to allow us to […]