Four days after arriving in Sweden, we immediately scheduled for our appointment to process this card. We scheduled this online last September 23rd and then the appointment we chose was for September 25th. We were advised by our Immigration Consultant that this should be carried at all times especially when in contact with government institutions and healthcare. Please note that they do not consider this as an ID (you need to have a Swedish ID card if you need a valid ID to present, more of this on a separate post) but the resident permit card simply serves as proof that you’re allowed to reside in Sweden legally. In normal times, you are required to present the resident permit card on the Swedish border control however due to the global pandemic, an exemption is being done for this current process. Here are the steps we took on how to apply for resident permit card in Malmo, Sweden.
(**photo credit of specimen ID card:
The first thing we did was to go to this link for the English version. We read everything that explains all about the resident permit card. (Please read everything that’s indicated here.) Since we’re already in Sweden, we clicked this link to book an appointment.

Once you click on this link, you’ll be directed to this:

Then choose the option: “Have your fingertips and photographs taken”

When you click on this option, there will be a pop-up that will show this:

And then you will have to choose from which branch you’ll be applying. Please note that not all offices are able to process resident permit cards so you need to double-check.

Once you’ve chosen the branch office, you need to select how many people are applying for the resident permit card.
For us, since we’re based in Malmo, we chose Malmo Agnesfridsvagen and because both my husband and I are applying, we chose 2 for the “Number of Persons” field. You need to also check the box to accept the Migration Agency’s Terms of Use.

And then when you click on the “Continue” button, this is what will be shown:

Fill-out the all the necessary information. NOTE: You need to indicate your mobile number in Sweden as they will send you also a reminder for your appointment. For our case, when we arrived in Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, we saw a booth that offers a free prepaid simcard called LycaMobile. We just got it and put a load on it via their website.
And when you scroll down, you’ll see the available schedules where you could choose the most convenient for you. You’ll see something like this. (NOTE: The available schedules of course will vary once you try scheduling this on your own.)

And then once you’ve chosen your preferred schedule, click on the “Book selected times” button below.

And once we were done booking, we received a confirmation email with a booking code and a bar code for our scheduled appointment that looks like this:

This is what’s indicated on the email:
“Booking code: _____ ; bar code
Date: Sep 25, 2020
Time: 09:15
Place: Malmö
You have made an appointment to visit the Swedish Migration Agency on September 25, 2020 at 09:15 in Malmö.
Your booking code is: ______
When you arrive at the Migration Agency at Agnesfridsvägen 111 in Malmö
Please register at the information desk.
If you are late to your appointment you will risk to lose it and have to book a new appointment.
It is important that you bring the booking code with you to the appointment and, if applicable, the barcode. You will find the code at the top of this email. When you have booked an appointment to visit the Swedish Migration Agency, you must bring your residence permit card, ID card or passport and in most cases also other documents to your appointment. Find out what to bring to your booked appointment
How to get to your Migration Agency office.
If you are unable to make your appointment
You can reschedule or cancel your appointment at To do this you will need the booking code.
Kind regards,
The Swedish Migration Agency”
Now on the day of the appointment, do not be too early but more importantly do not be late as they would only allow you to come in based on your scheduled time. Once we were inside, we were directed to a booth to enter our information and our booking code and then we waited for our turn in the queue. When we were called, we just presented the copy of our Decision Letter and our passport. We were asked if we wanted to just pick up the card once it’s ready or if we prefer it to be delivered. We chose to have the resident permit card be delivered to us instead and gave them the complete address of where we’re staying since there’s no additional cost for this and we didn’t want to go out as much as possible because of the current pandemic. They instructed us then to measure our height (there’s a measuring tool there) and then they took a photo of us and we had our biometrics. After which, we were asked to check all of our information if all are correct and we did an electronic signature. That’s it and we were just advised that the processing time is 1 – 2 weeks. So we had our appointment last September 25 and got our resident permit cards last October 1, so roughly around 6 days that we have received it. Hope this helps for all the people who will be applying for their resident permit card directly here in Sweden. 💟
Be grateful and kind,