Capiz is My Cup of Tea

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Capiz is known as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines and for this reason my love for seafood has sprung. Baybay, Lawis and Culasi both found in Roxas City, Capiz are very special places and will always be close to my heart. Not only because it is my mom’s hometown and that I’m close to my aunts and cousins in my mother’s side, but because this is where me and my siblings spent the most part of our childhood. You see, every summer when we were young, my aunts would borrow us from our parents and bring me, my sister and brother to spend the entire summer with them.

My parents taught us the basic good manners and right conduct but is in this place that good morals and keeping our faith have taken root and have been inculcated deeply in us. I loved how almost everyday, we can just cross the street and swim by the beach. It may not have white sands that other beaches are known for, but I loved the fine gray sands just the same. We used to walk along its shores and collect seashells. Unfortunately, the house in Baybay, Lawis that we used to stay perished in fire and so my aunt and her family relocated in Lanot. Up to this day, I would always feel the warmth and the excitement whenever I set foot in Capiz.








Be grateful and kind,


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